Monday 1 October 2012

Day 1: About Me

How do you even begin to start something like this? First of all, my name is Billie Anderson, I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, otherwise known as the most boring place on the planet, literally. I've lived here since I was born, which by the way, was 15 years ago. I haven't lived quite enough to experience as much as most, but believe me, high school in 2012, that puts you through a lot. I'm in my sophomore year in high school, and most people would say I've barely even started, but I would say otherwise. Summer going into grade 9 was one of the hardest summers of my life. I lost my two best friends over literally who knows what, they still have yet to tell me. One of them I had been friends with for 11 years, which is almost my whole life, and the other, only a couple months. Then, the summer going into grade 10, I once again lost my two best friends, over who knows what, they are STILL yet to tell me, and they almost made me lose all my friends just because we had a small disagreement, (which by the way, I don't even remember happening). So, when I started my school year about a month ago, I was really worried, but turns out, it has been amazing so far, I am getting really involved in the programs they offer, and I still have amazing friends by my side, let's just hope I won't be put through the same thing again this summer, because my God, I will break if it does. Well, as it is almost 11 o'clock on a school night, I should probably go, gotta study for drivers! Thanks for reading, and there goes day one of five hundred. Oh boy. 
October 1st, 2012.